grab some toilet paper...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Time to wake up and smell......berak?

Wow...really got nothing else better to do. I actually created this blog merely out of boredom and a hint of frustration. Just wanna type my feelings out (haha...type feelings...). So what's happenning in muh life so far? Nothing much lah...just the usual college stuff...assignments, reports, exams. Work just keep piling up. I'd better start working hard.
I learned a lesson today or at least I'm starting to learn. Loneliness and the emptyness in our hearts doesn't have to be replaced by another human. Nothing wrong enjoying another person's companionship when u're lonely. Its just painful if you're overly obssesed of having the attention of other people when you're feeling lonely. There's this interesting fellow called God who is...well...jealous. And maybe he finds you interesting all the time. I'm sick of getting disappointed. We shouldn't blame our peers, friends, family (especially in this busy world) to constantly meet our needs. Pick yourself up, be strong & independent, and smell the...


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