Christmas pics Christmas is over. What a relief! (yes, what a relief indeed). My choir and dance performances went fine. Thank God I didn't fall off the stage or rip my pants or anything like that. Christmas was tiring but enjoyable nonetheless. After watching "Night at the Museum" we headed to a Pakistani restaurant. Now that's a first - eating Pakistani food on Christmas day. Hoey Theen said the restaurant had an ancient-looking toilet. It looked pretty ordinary to me. Dang, should have taken a photo and let you guys evaluate. Anyway, here are some other photos from the FGT Christmas Dinner and dinner on Christmas. =)

Kor Kor Mike and Jie Jie Hoey Theen at the Pakistani restaurant.

Me and Kit at the FGT Christmas Dinner.

Top - Mel Mel, Mike, Lian Khin (Miss Oh-I-Love-His-Cups)
Bottom - Big Sis, Me, Daphne

Me and Big Sis. Oh and that's the tie she gave me for Christmas.
hello......what do you mean by miss oh-i-love-his-cups? i just find it unique that's all. nothing else...
haha...chill lah lian khin. its perfectly normal to like other ppl's cups. =p
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