grab some toilet paper...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Did I worship the devil?

That Sunday morning in church we sang this song during praise & worship.Part of it goes something like this...
My treasure, my priority,
Who can compare to You,
Great is the measure of your royalty,
Oh Morning Star, You truly are,
The word "Morning Star" caught my attention. Actually it already did some time ago but Kit Yi reminded me about it again. In Isaiah 14:12, Lucifer was referred to as Morning Star (NIV) and son of the morning or day star (NKJV). I was like thinking "Woah...are we singing to the devil?" If you study the song closely, its lyrics are pretty simple. "Morning Star" was the only noun used to name God ("Lord" didn't count because it is used commonly for other things too). did confused me-lah. I actually just mumbled the words during that song. I just had to find out the real meaning to it.
I still had it in my mind the following day. So I picked up a few different bible versions and compare, including the concordance. I texted Cae Me to check with her modern bible version too. Poor Cae Me was sleeping already and I actually woke her up. But she gave me the answer to it though. "Try checking Revelations-lah", she said. In Revelations 22:16, Jesus referred to Himself as the Bright and Morning Star. Felt pretty dumb later on. Lucifer was actually just described as a fallen star. My bible knowledge really sucks.
I blogged this not to show off how 'Christian' I am. In fact it shows that I'm very un-Christian. Funny how it is...thinking that the song was dedicated to the devil but sung in a Christian church. Funny how religion creeps people out even in an indirect manner.


Blogger supersara said...

it's okay lahhh. there's always time to learn more. =) heehee.

Friday, April 07, 2006 7:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the name of that song?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:09:00 AM  

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