grab some toilet paper...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

of zits and bursting pants...

Berak-nya...I have a huge zit on my forehead, lodged just between my brows, near towards my right. Mom saw it yesterday and did her usual thing - laugh, stared and tried to touch it. She's always boasting about how lucky (yes...lucky!) she would be the day she has a pimple. Yup, it is that rare for my mom to get that piece of swell oozing with pus. I guessed I should blame it on my father's genes. Before I know it, I'll gain a belly and start loosing hair too! Anyway I'm not here to blame the bad genes I've inherited. I was just wondering if there's any quick way to treat a pimple. I don't want fatty to see my huge, ugly zit this weekend! Help me if you can.
Anyway, talking about genes. I think Jared, my 11 year old brother, has that fat gene from either my dad or my mom's family bloodline. Joshua was on the heavy side too when he was Jared's age (remember people? =p). This afternoon while I was working on the computer, Jared came running to me asking for help. He was getting ready for his Red Crescent Society club meeting. Know what the hoohah was about? He couldn't buckle his pants together. I'm telling was a crisis. It was like Queen Latifah trying to fit into a pair of hot pants. Ooh! this reminds me of a joke I heard once. It went something like, a fat girl in a thong would look like a sumo wrestler. Okay, okay, enough of lame jokes. So anyway, after countless atempts of getting my lil bro to breathe in (deep...real deep) while I try to buckle his pants, I finally got it to hook. Teamwork baby...his deep breathing and my strong, quick hands saved the day. Man I was so worried that his pants would just burst at the meeting. We checked his weight and he gained about 5 kilos! Oh great mom, try spoiling and feeding him some more lah. Oh well, at least its nice to hug something soft. =p


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