Layer One ~ On The Outsidename: Joel Yim Zheng-Yi.
birth date: 23 September 1986
current status: Single. Quite complicated too.
eye colour: Dard brown.
hair colour: Mostly black.
righty or lefty: righty.
zodiac sign: Inthe Star, I'm a Virgo. In the Strait Times, I'm a Libra. I don't really care anyway. Zodiac are for idiots.
Layer Two ~ On The Insideyour heritage: Chinese. Ancestors probably from south China. I have people telling me I'm Chindian, Portugese, Malay, Iban, Bidayuh though.
your fears: Rodents. I would be the first to jump on a chair if I see one.
your weaknesses: Lactose. Like how Kryptonite makes Superman weak, lactose makes me weak...or purge.
your perfect pizza: How come we don't have those big, oily anchovies on our pizzas here?
Layer Three ~ Yesterday, Today, Tomorrowyour first thoughts waking up: "What day is it today?"
your bedtime: Not fixed although I try to sleep by 12 if I have classes in the morning.
your most missed memory: The one where time stopped.
Layer Four ~ Your Pickpepsi or coke: Coke. Prefer the taste. I've even learn to distinguish between fake and original cokes.
mcdonald's or burger king: McD's simply because they have more variety on their menu.
single or group dates: Single if I want quality time together. Group for the fun.
adidas or nike: Adidas. Nike wears out too easily on the court.
lipton or nestea: Lipton for breakfast, Nestea for a refresher.
chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate definitely.
cappuccino or coffee: Coffee. I don't take milk.
Layer Five ~do you smoke: No.
curse: Only when I'm provoked.
take a shower: Yeah. I take the longest showers in the family.
have a crush: For now, I don't think so.
think you've been in love: Yes. Once.
go to school: College kid. Yes.
want to get married: Yes. I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone.
believe in yourself: Depends. I can have very low self-esteem depending on the situation.
think you're a health freak: I'm not one of those people who gets up early to jog in hopes of slimming down to fit into that new dress you know. *winks*
Layer Six ~ In The Past Monthdrank alcohol: No. Too busy to get wasted.
been on stage: I go onstage at least twice a month to play guitar.
eaten sushi: Damn, I have not eaten sushi for so long already.
dyed your hair: No.
Layer Seven ~ Have You Ever...?played a stripping game: Nope.
changed who you were to fit in: I'm gonna dance and sing in a choir on Christmas. What do you think?
Layer Eight ~age you're hoping to get married: By 27. Hopefully my grandma will be able to witness my wedding.
Layer Nine ~ In A Girlbest eye colour: Usual Asian colour, dark brown or black. Green and blue eyes freaks me out.
best hair colour: Anything as long as it isn't too bright. Definitely not blonde. =p
short or long hair: Doesn't really matter.
Layer Ten ~ What Were You Doing?1 minute ago: Picking my nose.
1 hour ago: Eat lunch.
4.5 hours ago: Sleeping
1 month ago: Finished exams. Bumming around.
1 year ago: Can't remember
Layer Eleven ~ Finish The Sentencei love: my bolster.
i feel: like hugging my bolster and going back to sleep.
i hate: it when my mom washes my bolster and the scent just isn't there anymore until after a few weeks.
i hide: my bolster when its time to wash it.
i miss: fatty
i need: money. I'm flat broke.
Layer Twelve ~ Tag 5 peopleAnyone will do...